External Data Protection Officer
As an optional additional service for clients of fccDataPrivacy for SMBs, we support companies based in Switzerland, Germany and Austria in all data protection issues.
We support both, the European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Swiss legislation (DSG and nDSG as soon as adopted).
Tasks which, according to Art. 39 GDPR, are the responsibility of the Data Protection Officer:
- Informing and advising the client and the employees who carry out processing operations with regard to their obligations under the GDPR or other applicable data protection regulations;
- monitoring compliance with the provisions of the GDPR and other data protection regulations as well as with the client's strategies for the protection of Personal Data, including the allocation of responsibilities, raising awareness and training of the employees involved in the processing operations and checks in this regard;
- advice - on request - in connection with the data protection impact assessment and monitoring of its implementation in accordance with Article 35 of the GDPR;
- cooperation with the supervisory authority;
- acting as a contact point for the supervisory authority in matters relating to processing, including prior consultation in accordance with Article 36 GDPR, and providing advice on all other matters as appropriate.
We work on a mandate basis. Our services are based on the tasks under Art. 39 GDPR and on the functions already available under the fccDataPrivacy for SMB subscriptions. In addition, we offer the following services within the scope of a mandate depending on the respective requirements:
- Assessment - what is the current status of your company regarding data protection ?
- Formulation of objectives - where do you want to go, which data protection law do you want or have to implement ?
- Classroom training for employees and other interested groups
- IT-specific consulting / cooperation, e.g.
- Definition and implementation of technical and organizational measures
- Creation and implementation of a fire extinguishing concept
- technical implementation of the rights of data subjects
- and much more.
Please contact us for a first conversation.